Showgard Mount SG147, 147 x 264 mm (choose from Black or Clear backgrounds). Number of mounts per package: 5. Fits the following stamp issues: Cinco de Mayo sheets and others .
Showgard Mounts come in a number of different sizes for use by philatelists. The mounts are made from 100% inert polystyrol foil and are designed to protect your stamps from both dust and moisture. In addition, the clear face of the mount is designed to prevent light reflections, further protecting your stamps from harm. Each mount is constructed from two sheets of polystyrol foil that are sealed at both the top and bottom. The mount is split across the back, which allows for easy insertion and safe mounting of the stamp.
What Size Mounts Should I Order?
Pre-Cut Showgard Mounts come in sizes labeled by stamp width by stamp height and the mounts are measured in millimeters. The strip mounts come in three lengths: 215 mm, 240 mm and 265 mm. To calculate which strip mount you require, measure the height of the stamp from top to bottom in millimeters. Select a mount that is a little larger (few millimeters) than the stamp you wish to mount, that way you do not damage the perforations of the stamps you are placing in your album. If you are utilizing the cut to size strip mounts, measure the width of the stamp and cut the mount a few millimeters wider than the stamp you wish to mount.
International Customers: Because of the various shipping options that are available to save you money, we ask that you contact us at before placing your order.
All prices are in USD.