Faint guidelines on the page help divide the space into columns that match standard stamp sizes. The page borders match Harris album pages. Each package contains 64 pages and each page measures 9 x 12 inches in size. International Customers: Because of the various shipping options available to save you money, we ask that you please contact us at shippingquestions@nolastampshop.com before placing your orders so we can prepare an accurate shipping quote for you.
Posted by daniel allen on 11th Mar 2023
These are the best quality pages available, at a great price, super quick order process and shipping.. Top rated seller, highly recommended..
Posted by Unknown on 11th Mar 2022
I was able to see the lines on the pages just fine. They're not so dark though, that they distract from the stamps that you want to place on those pages, though.
Posted by Keith Mobley on 1st Feb 2017
I must be getting old. I cannot tell the difference. Are there lines on the Speed-Rille pages?
This only applies tot he product - my experience with NOLA has been excellent, and I do not shop anywhere else now.
UPDATE: Whitman has fixed the problem.
Posted by Tony C. on 12th Oct 2015
Over the years, the grid lines have become so light, they might as well be blank pages.
There must be some kind of world-wide black ink shortage, maybe the price of squid has gone up and Whitman is conserving what little ink they have left.
I can only conclude that Whitman Publishing either:
1. Doesn't care about the users of their products;
2. Really couldn't care less about the users of their products;
3. Only wants to collect money without providing anything of value;
4. Has decided that the words "quality" and "product" don't belong together any more;
5. Is focused more on their Twitter and Facebook feeds than the output from their printing plants;
6. All of the above.
This criticism is only for Whitman Publishing, the makers of the increasingly poor product, Speed-Rille Pages. This has nothing to do with NOLA Stamp Shop, which provides fine service at reasonable prices and should not be held accountable for the crappy products being produced by Whitman Publishing.
UPDATE: Whitman has fixed the problem.