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Postal Cards Mount Guide - Both Scott and Showgard

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NOLA Stamp Shop would like to thank Maria K. a long time customer of ours for putting together the following resource guide for our customers. Ms. K took the time to not only compile the list, but send it to us for other collectors of postal cards to refer to.

Item Mount Size Guide and Approximate Number of Cards and Mount Packs Required

Postal Cards

1873 – 1952 

76 x 265 mm

27 or 3 packs of 10 each

Scott Mount 1060 

Showgard Mount 76

1897 – 1968 

82 x 240 mm 

20 or  2 packs of 10 each

Scott Mount 944

Showgard Mount 82

1898 – 1962 

84 x 240 mm 

20 or 2 packs of 10 each

Scott Mount 945

Showgard Mount 84

1894 – Present 

91 x 265 mm 

Many or 4 packs of 10 each

Scott Mount 953

Showgard Mount 91

2009 – Present

105 x 265 mm

2 packs of 10 each

Scott Mount 954

Showgard 105

1972 – Present 

107 x 265 mm 

Many or 15 packs of 10 each

Scott Mount 955

Showgard 107

1996 – Present 

111 x 265 mm 

Many or 7 packs of 10 each

Scott Mount 956

Showgard 111

Paid Replay Cards

1898 – 1976 

167 x 265 mm 

25 Cards or  3 packs of 10 each

Scott Mount 1070 

Showgard Mount 167

1977 – Present 

181 x 265 mm

27 cards or 3 Packs of 10 each

Scott Mount 1072 

Showgard Mount 181

Air Post Cards

84 x 240 mm 

10 cards or 1 pack of 10 each

Scott Mount 945

Showgard Mount 84

91 x 265 mm 

14 cards or 2 packs of 10 each

Scott Mount 953

Showgard Mount 91

107 x 265 mm 

2 cards or 1 pack of 10 each

Scott Mount 955

Showgard Mount 107

Official Cards

91 x 265 mm 

5 cards or 1 pack of 10 each

Scott Mount 953

Showgard Mount 91

82 x 240 mm

1 card or  1 pack of 10 each

Scott Mount 944

Showgard Mount 82



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